Sponsor: Inland Empire chapter
In-person Playday - some of the participants will lead favorite projects. Or you can simply work on your own project. 10am-3pm
This complimentary playday is being scheduled, due to the last minute need to postpone the paid workshop. A couple members have already volunteered to demonstrate favorite techniques. If you're interested in demoing, please let us know what the participants need to bring. All our welcome to attend--membership not required--the more the merrier!
We have a Try-and-Buy kit from John Neal. (10% discount coupons provided for purchases within a month.) We'll also have donated give-aways.
We'll put together a quick supply list, which will be sent to those who register. These will be items most will have and we'll have extras for lending.
Cost: $0
REGISTRATION: Membership not required
Questions? E-mail Alessandra at iepv.sfcworkshops@gmail.com.
Time includes half hour for lunch. You will probably want to bring your own, but there are places nearby. You are invited to bring snacks (please don't feel obligated--there is always more than enough). We will provide coffee and tea and paper goods.
Questions? E-mail Alessandra at iepv.sfcworkshops@gmail.com. NO audio or video recording of any program, meeting, workshop or other SfC function permitted without prior consent of both guest artist and a representative of the Board of Governors. ** You must ask permission of the artist/ instructor to photograph any copyrighted materials, including demos.